Bidra till: The English Week

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The English Week

Now you're all like, WHAT THE FUCK!? An article in English? Have these guys finally gone off the deep end? Our answer is of course; "No, not yet anyway". We all struggle with language barriers each day. Maybe some bloke on the bus tell you to "gå och lägg dig" and you're all like "I can't understand a word what this French dude is saying"? That's why we now introduce The English Week. Once in a while you take a week when you only speak and write in English. Your native tongue is absolutely forbidden. This will teach you to speak English more fluent and natural.

Everyone should try this, it's quite delightful. You can also modify it to fit you better and implement La Semaine Française (if you like Jacques Chirac or hate the Mururoa atoll) or Die Deutsche Woche (if you're a member of the National Socialist Party and dig Blixa Bargeld).

The English Week can occur anytime, anywhere. It's not bound to any specific week of the year. So go on and try it, if you dare.